
We are Bronze level eco-church accredited

We're a Child-Friendly Church!
We are part of the
United Reformed Church

"With Christ at our centre, we seek to share His love, in word and action with everyone."

Whether you are a new friend or a regular visitor - welcome to our website. We are a local church with a variety of activities for all ages and interests throughout the week, along with our regular, all-age Sunday worship, starting at 10.30am.
Upcoming Events
- Multiple DatesFriendship GroupTue, 01 AprSpalding
- Multiple DatesPrayer GroupThu, 03 AprZoom
URC Thought For The Week
This month, Rev'd. Dr. Nick Jones looks at Jesus' habit of answering questions with questions. Further devotions can be found on the URC devotions website.

Worship from
All Walks of Life
6th April
Rev'd. Amanda Duncan
13th April
Rev'd. David Curran
Messy Church starts 11am
20th April ~ Easter Sunday
Rev'd. R. Bushby
including Communion
27th April
Mr Alan Bull

Something for Everyone
We have a full calendar of events from Girls' and Boys' Brigades on a Monday night right through to our Saturday Coffee Mornings.
Click here to see our monthly diary, updated regularly.

Space to Grow
As well as special all-age services, we have DBS-checked youth leaders for the younger members of our congregation.
And not forgetting...
1st Spalding Girls' Brigade
3rd Spalding Boys' Brigade
Spalding Marching Ambassadors
URC Youth activities